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Manchester Is Booming Against All The Odds.

Construction work in central Manchester and Salford is at its highest level since the financial crisis. Manchester looks more like a building site and with cranes dominating the skyline as apartment blocks increasing every year. Any empty plot of land in the city centre has been grabbed by developers to build apartment blocks and offices. The empty and long-neglected mills and warehouses have not been spared by the developers and they have been converted or in the process of being converted to apartment blocks. The process of reconstruction Manchester seems going to continue as some of the old buildings started to be demolished and rebuilt. These old buildings became not cost effective to rent when the developer can get a planning permission to rebuild them with more units per floor and with a much higher number of stories. Probably Manchester hasn’t seen the present scale of the reconstructing in the city centre since it’s creation.

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All this happening despite the uncertainty because of Brexit as it seems Brexit bites has not affected the redevelopment of Manchester at all and despite the reports that have been circulating that England property prices are overpriced by 12% and also both the Government and the opposition promised to build low-cost accommodation, when they form the new government, units to help first time buyers, which could cap or reduce the prices of the apartments in Manchester.

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