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Everyone will miss Town Hall Father Christmas  for 4 years  

The Manchester Christmas markets were first launched in 1999 in St Ann’s Square and Albert Square. Now, the markets are spread across the city, attracting millions of visitors every year to try food from different counties in Europe and regions in England.

The markets opened on Friday 9th November. It will be running until 22nd December, Manchester’s Christmas markets officially start the countdown to the festive season. However, this year’s traditional celebrations will be the last for a while as the Albert Square undergoes a revamp, which is due to last 4 years. Albert Square where it is one of the oldest sites from where the market spread to cover a good portion of the city centre. This year the markets will stretch across the following nine sites including Albert Square, St Ann’s Square, King Street, Exchange Street, New Cathedral Street, Exchange Square, Cathedral Gardens, Market Street and The Corn Exchange. There won’t be any stalls at Brazennose Street due to a big development ongoing now in the area.

Manchester Christmas Markets have been announced the best Christmas markets in the country, don’t miss it and enjoy the food, buying presents and the festive cheer and seasonal sparkle.


If you want to know who is participating in this year Christmas Markets and find the location, please click below two links from Manchester Evening News, the site that knows about Manchester and the events in Manchester than anyone else.


Manchester Christmas Markets: The full list of traders


Location of the stalls  and the map of Manchester Christmas Markets



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